A World-Class Drummer with a Passion for Performance and Education

Dan Barman is a powerhouse drummer with a career that spans genres, continents, prestigious collaborations and a dedication to inspiring the next generation of musicians. From stadium crowds to renowned, intimate jazz clubs and iconic recording studios, Barman brings a deep well of experience, an infectious passion for music, and a unique approach to teaching that ignites creativity and unlocks hidden potential in his students.

Embracing a diverse array of musical styles, Dan's drumming embodies a fusion of influences that transcends genre boundaries. Meshing the pulsating rhythms of Rock, New Orleans and west-coast funk with the introspective beats of jazz and world music on top of his background as a world-champion marching percussionist and orchestral player, his repertoire reflects a lifelong immersion in the rich tapestry of musical expression.

In the realm of performance, Dan's resume boasts collaborations with Grammy-winning producers, soundtracks and film scores for major motion pictures by Disney, recordings and live performances with acclaimed artists such as Bob Dorough, The Bones of J.R. Jones, New York City Indie-Rock staples Food Will Win the War and Rebecca Hart, R&B/Pop powerhouse Todd Alsup, Afrobeat frontman Leon “Kaleta” Ligan-Majek, and Grammy-winner Joanie Leeds as co-founder and co-producer of her award-winning “Kindie Rock” band Joanie Leeds and the Nightlights.

As a Lincoln Center Education-trained teaching artist and experienced educator, Dan has empowered aspiring musicians across the globe with his innovative "Head, Hands, Heart" approach—a philosophy that champions both technical proficiency and emotional resonance. Barman has served as a touring master-class clinician for The Dream Cymbal and Gong Company, delivering his message of thoughtful, musical expression to students across North America. His tenure as a senior percussion staff member at The University of Oregon and Arlington High School, where he led the drumline to four consecutive state championships, speaks volumes about his dedication to nurturing talent.

In the entrepreneurial realm, Dan's vision extends beyond music performance and education. His ventures, from filing for patent on a design for an ergonomic drum throne to founding Pro City Rhythm LLC, which leveraged emerging technologies in eCommerce and file-sharing, have redefined global access to recording studios and deepend musicians’ understanding of how their bodies can be optimized for musical performance. These ventures are a testament to his ingenuity and foresight in navigating the evolving landscape of the music and tech industries.

Looking ahead, Dan's aspirations remain steadfast. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for innovative, musical expression, he aims to cement his legacy as one of the most sought-after drummers in the industry. As he continues to inspire the next generation of musicians and entrepreneurs alike, Dan Barman's journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of music and the boundless possibilities it holds.

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